This meal was a staple part of my diet when Laura and I were travelling across Thailand. This means that for me, it's not only a great tasty meal but it's also filled with nostalgia. As we're … [Read more...]
Vegetable Moqueca
Up until around two months ago, I'd never tried moqueca before. Laura and I were out for dinner, I saw it on the menu and thought I'd give it a go. I wasn't disappointed. Moqueca is a Brazilian … [Read more...]
Spicy Oriental Crab Noodles
Not only is this a really cheap meal to make but it's also very quick to cook. You can go from raw ingredients to serving up in under 10 minutes - perfect for a mid-week meal. Just a quick note on … [Read more...]
Thai Salmon Fish Cakes
I really enjoy using smoked salmon fillets within these fish cakes, and I think it's something that's not done enough. If you'd prefer to use non-smoked fish then feel free to do so. A great thing … [Read more...]
Thai Crab Cakes
Since getting our new food processor, I've been trying out loads of new recipes that make use of it - this is one of them. To be honest, you could actually make these crab cakes fairly easily without … [Read more...]
Stir Fry Sesame Shrimp Noodles
If you're in a hurry but you want a really tasty meal, stir fry Shrimp are perfect. I've been eating tons of sesame seeds recently so this recipe was cooked to fuel my sesame seed addiction! If … [Read more...]
Oriental Salmon with Coconut Rice
Salmon goes perfectly with oriental flavours, and this recipe is so simple to execute, yet tastes so awesome! We've made coconut rice to complement the spicy fish, but if you prefer to have a lot … [Read more...]
Carrot & Walnut Cake with Buttercream Frosting
This delicious carrot cake is very moist and fresh, and goes perfectly with the light, creamy buttercream. I made this for my family over the weekend and it disappeared very … [Read more...]